Environmental matters

Creator God, giver of life
You sustain the earth and direct the nations
In this time of climate crisis
Grant us clarity to hear the groaning of creation and the cries of the poor
Challenge us to change out lifestyles
Guide our leaders to take courageous action
Enable your church to be a beacon of hope
Foster within us a renewed vision of your purposes for your world
Through Jesus Christ our Lord,
by and for whom all things were made. Amen.
Prayer offered by Archbishop of York Stephen Cottrel, prior to COP26.


ARRCC (Australian Religious Response to Climate Change)
A multi-faith network taking action on the most pressing issue of our time.
(ARRCC news, events and campaigns will be updated here

Faith Ecology Network (and on Facebook)

Australian Conservation Foundation


Brunswick Uniting Church
Care for the Earth is a critical part of Christian discipleship. Brunswick Uniting Church has been awarded a series of “5-Leaf Eco Awards” for environmental engagement – prayer, theological study, and practical actions by members and by the whole congregation. In November 2019, the congregation adopted a resolution acknowledging the Climate Crisis, and a commitment to further action.

Anglican Diocese of Melbourne Protection of the Environment Policy and Environmental Commission.

St Michael’s Anglican North Carlton Climate Action Group

ACTinG (Acting on Climate Together in Gippsland) – Anglican
ACTinG working group
Advocacy for climate action in decision-making circles.
In June 2022, the Gippsland Synod met and adopted the following motion: “That this Synod makes action on climate change a major focus for the Diocese of Gippsland over the coming three-year cycle of Synod, with parishes and all Diocesan Bodies making a commitment to:
* Learn about climate change, including its current and anticipated future impacts;
* Study the theology of creation and other relevant theology;
* Act to reduce emissions from church buildings and vehicles and to adopt patterns of church life that work towards this end;
* Encourage individuals to reduce household emissions;
* Pray for the wellbeing of all creation

A thoughtfully worded proposal by the Brisbane Dean, the Very Revd Dr Peter Catt gained overwhelming support calling on the church to take action to address greenhouse gas emissions and to lobby governments to set greater emissions reduction policies.

Multi-faith service for climate change (with ARRCC) – liturgy here.



TEARFUND study on climate change – read here

The Lambeth Call on the Environment and Sustainable Development provides a theological rationale for why creation care is a global mission imperative. It also outlines some bold commitments in tackling environmental crisis, including just financing, community resilience building, advocacy, biodiversity restoration and promoting the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Watch a webinar here and discover other resources. 

Faith for Earth: A Call for action Download here
This book was first published at the beginning of the twenty-first century. A joint project of the United Nations Environment Programme and the Interfaith Partnership for the Environment,

Towards Zero – Connecting Faith and Action
The Uniting Church in Australia, through the leadership and work of Rev Dr Ji Zhang, published the ‘Towards Zero’ Vimeo series. These free resources support churches to take effective action to support a sustainable climate. Click here to read more and to view 3 videos.

Climate of the Nation 2022 report
Former PM Malcolm Turnbull launched the 2022 Australia Institute’s Climate of the Nation report on 3 Nov 2022. The summary can be read here, and the full report can be read here.

Prayers and meditations leading up to COP27 (downloadable resource)

How faith can help fight climate change
A Radio National broadcast on Soul Search series, 5 August 2022. Hosted by Brooke Prentis, with guests Wies Schuiringa (a Quaker, environmental activist and Vice-President of NSW Ecumenical Council), Gawaine Powell Davies (Chair of the Buddhist Council of NSW), and Daniel Billy (one of the #TorresStrait8, a group of Torres Strait Islanders taking a formal complaint against the Australian government to the UN Human Rights Commission for inaction on climate change). 

CCA (Christian Conference of Asia) statement for World Environment Day 2022

Regenerating Australia video (on Youtube for hire for $3.99)
Environmental matters, climate justice, care of creation… lots of congregations and church groups are engaged in different ways. Here’s an interesting short Australian film that could be a catalyst for conversation. It’s a hypothetical news report from 2030 based on interviews with a diverse group of Australians who were asked about their hopes and dreams for the future. Very hopeful (and hypothetical – depends what we do next). Consider organising a viewing with a few other people (ecumenical/local/interfaith) to raise the issue of the possible alternative story if Australia acts to address the climate emergency now. Could also be part of planning for the Season of Creation in September?