One of the key missional roles of Wangaratta ICC is the Wang Night Shelter Project. It was named ‘Project of the Year’ in 2o22 by the Rural City of Wangaratta.
Safe accommodation is a hallmark of Wang Night Shelter. The initiative began in 2019 and offers a place to sleep each night during the winter months. “We sleep in borrowed church buildings every night of the week, so we pack up and move on the next building and we open up and we welcome our guests to come and stay with us,” team member Di Duursma said. “We’ve seen lives changed – our own and also those who come and stay with us. The award means that the voices of the people that we care about the most are being heard. Together with the local churches, Zac’s Place, Wangaratta Inter-Church Council, VCC, Stableone, local businesses & groups and individuals, we are a ‘collective response to homelessness, loneliness & heartache.’ and choose to be people who offer Shelter through community”.
Project Administration, Wang Night Shelter
Ph. Shelter 0474 777 603; Mobile 0419 530 455
Di Duursma
Office Bearers of Wangaratta Inter-Church Council
President. Laurie Johnston
V.President. Sue Fisher
Secretary. Joan Cochrane
Treasurer. Barbara Waterman