Find out what the (August) 2021 Census of Population and Housing data reveals about where we live, our ancestry and what languages we speak.
10am, Tuesday 28th June 2022 at the National Portrait Gallery, Canberra and live streamed on Tuesday 28 June 2022 at 10:00am AEST. A link to the live stream will be made available on the ABS webpage.
If you are unable to tune in on the day, the launch will be recorded and available on the ABS website and the ABS YouTube channel after the event.
For the first time, the Census will also provide information about long term health conditions and service in the Australian Defence Force.
Presenters include:
- Hon Dr Andrew Leigh MP, Assistant Minister for Competition, Charities and Treasury
- Dr David Gruen AO, Australian Statistician
- Professor Sandra Harding AO, Emeritus Professor, James Cook University and former Chair of the Australian Advisory Council (2001-2006)
- Teresa Dickinson PSM, Deputy Australian Statistician and Senior Responsible Officer for the 2021 Census.
An audience question and answer session will follow from 10:30am AEST. A platform to ask questions will be available from this page until the end of the session. If you would like your name and organisation read out with your question, please add this to the top of your question. Questions will be moderated.
The ABS will release 2021 Census data in a staged approach. There will be three key release phases.
- 28 June 2022 – most topics will be released for almost all geographic outputs for place of usual residence and for place of enumeration on Census night.
- October 2022 – a smaller number of topics including employment and location-based variables will be released.
- Early to mid-2023 – complex topics that require additional processing such as distance to work, socio-economic indexes for areas (SEIFA) will be released.