
The Council’s work is assisted by three Commissions. Members of Commissions are invited for their expertise and commitment to the ecumenical journey.

  • Faith and Order: The Faith and Order Commission is best described as the ‘theological engine room’ of the Council. Historically, the Faith and Order Movement was one of the earliest developments of the ecumenical movement worldwide. Read more here.
  • Living Faiths: The Commission on Living Faiths, Community and Dialogue fosters the relationships the Council has with people and communities of other faiths. It has produced some excellent documents to assist people locally in their interfaith work.
    2022 Multifaith Calendar (PDF)
  • Social Questions: The Social Questions Commission brings a social justice focus to the Council’s work and is also a meeting point for staff from member church social justice and social welfare agencies.
    Read about the SQ Commission members here.
    Check out the Resources page for links to helpful resources in the lead up to the election.