Lent 2023 resources

A few suggestions

Companions on the Way (free downloadable resource)
Each week of Lent we will daily reflect on one of the Revised Common Lectionary readings for the coming Sunday building to an integrated reflection of the theme of that week. There is also an outline for a group discussion included for use by those communities studying together.

Imago Dei – A Lenten Bible Study of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (free downloadable resource, produced by UMC)
The Imago Dei (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion) Lenten Bible Study is a five-week study written in the style of Lectio Divina. In this form of Bible study all participants are equal, all insights are of equal value, and there are no wrong answers to correct. This form of Bible study is built upon prayerful listening to the Holy Spirit and to each other. Each person takes turns sharing by mutual invitation. In this Bible study we seek to share with one another the image of God, celebrating our diversity, our equity and our inclusion.

2023 ABM Lent Study – The Imaginary Doorway $12
Another fine piece of Australian missional theology designed to get your group talking and your mind thinking. Seven studies that, from Ash Wednesday to Holy Week, take us into the lives of seven of the people Jesus brought to wholeness. Seven stories that bring scripture alive and help us to understand that Jesus was dealing with real people, rather than generic characters. Hear anew, the stories of Legion, the haemorrhaging woman, Lazarus and Martha, the woman accused of adultery, Zacchaeus, the paralysed man let down through the roof – and that post-resurrection, BBQ breakfast on the beach. Story-based studies that will touch your heart, build your faith and encourage you on the missional journey. All genuine mission is incarnational and relationally based.

Catholic Diocese of Wollongong Lenten Resource
A Lenten Program book created by the Catholic Diocese of Wollongong each year that includes daily reflections from Ash Wednesday to Easter Sunday for personal reflection in addition to longer-form Sunday Scripture reflections, readings, responsorial psalms, prayers and reflection questions.

Salvation Army Lent and Easter 2023 Resource