WCC (World Council of Churches) and PCID (Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue) Document: Serving a Wounded World in Interreligious Solidarity (2020)
What does it mean for Christians to love and serve our fellow human beings in a world in which the COVID-19 pandemic has inflicted widespread suffering? At a time such as this, the World Council of Churches (WCC) and the Pontifical Council for Inter- religious Dialogue (PCID) call upon the followers of Jesus Christ to love and serve our neighbours. We focus on the importance of doing so in solidarity also with those who profess and practice religions that are different from our own or consider themselves unaffiliated to any particular faith tradition.
This document aims to offer a Christian basis for interreligious sol- idarity that can inspire and confirm, in Christians of all churches, the impulse to serve a world wounded not only by the COVID- 19 pandemic but also by many other wounds. While primarily intended to address Christians, we hope that it will be useful also to those of other religions, who have already responded to this cri- sis with similar thoughts based on their own traditions. The global challenge of responding to this pandemic calls us to increased ecu- menical and interreligious awareness and cooperation.
Victorian Interfaith Networks