MCCIA – Melbourne City Churches in Action

Melbourne City Churches in Action (MCCIA)
The MCCIA is an ecumenical organisation of churches in the Inner City of Melbourne, Australia, and the Melbourne City Mission that works together to build relationships and understanding by:
* Conducting events to foster the spiritual life of the City
* Producing collaborative information about the churches of the inner city
* Cooperating in advocating policies of social reform
* Meeting together to share information and fellowship
* Worshipping together in our different churches
The MCCIA coordinates activities during the year including The Way of the Cross to bring Melbourne’s Christian community together, to build relationships and understanding between the churches and with the city, and to raise awareness of the city churches’ activities within the wider community. The churches are:
Collins St Baptist Church
Cross Culture Church of Christ
German Lutheran Trinity Church
Holy Trinity Anglican Church
Melbourne City Mission
Melbourne Welsh Church
Religious Society of Friends (Quakers)
St Augustine’s Catholic Church
St Francis’ Catholic Church
St James’ Old Cathedral (Anglican)
St Johns Southgate
St Michael’s Uniting Church
St Patrick’s Catholic Cathedral
St Paul’s Cathedral (Anglican)
St Peter’s Eastern Hill (Anglican)
St Verena’s and St Bishoy’s Coptic Orthodox Church
The Scots’ Church (Presbyterian)
Wesley Uniting Church

MCCIA Contact: secretary [a],
PO Box 12399, 58 Franklin Street, Melbourne, VIC 8006
Office Bearers:
Rev Rachel Kronberger, Wesley Uniting Church
Rev. Dr Sandy Yule, Wesley Uniting Church
Ms Stefanie Pearce, Collins Street Baptist Church, Secretary
Ms Claudia Barduhn, Society of Friends-West Melbourne (Quakers), Treasurer
Committee members:
Ms Irmtrud Doblin, German Lutheran Trinity Kirche;
Fr Jo Dirks, St Francis Catholic Church/Community of Blessed Sacrament