May he rest in peace.
Pope Benedict’s death has come at the turning of the year – December 31st. Death – and the year’s turn [crisis] – are times for reconsidering the present and for discerning the future.
Pope Francis remembered “dear Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI” as a noble and kind man of faith, and expressed his gratitude to God for his gift to the Church:
“We are moved as we recall him as such a noble person, so kind. And we feel such gratitude in our hearts: gratitude to God for having given him to the Church and to the world; gratitude to him for all the good he accomplished, and above all, for his witness of faith and prayer, especially in these last years of his recollected life. Only God knows the value and the power of his intercession, of the sacrifices he offered for the good of the Church.”
A powerful excerpt from Pope Benedict XVI’s first homily as Pope after Pope John Paul II’s passing:
“How alone we all felt after the passing of John Paul II – the Pope who for over twenty-six years had been our shepherd and guide on our journey through life. He crossed the threshold of the next life, entering into the mystery of God. But he did not take this step alone. Those who believe are never alone – neither in life nor in death. At that moment, we could call upon the Saints from every age – his friends, his brothers, and sisters in the faith – knowing that they would form a living procession to accompany him into the next world, into the glory of God…
I too can say with renewed conviction: I am not alone. All the Saints of God are there to protect me, to sustain me, and to carry me. And your prayers, my dear friends, your indulgence, your love, your faith, and your hope accompany me.”
(Pope Benedict XVI)
Catholicos-Patriarch Mar Awa III Royel (Assyrian Church) who visited Australia in 2022 offered his deep condolences to Pope Francis and the clergy and believers of the Roman Catholic Church on the passing of Pope Benedict XVI.
The world will always remember Pope Benedict, his majestic personality as a great theologian, and as an exemplary Christian who put the Church above himself. He will always be remembered as an exemplary and faithful shepherd.
Catholicos-Patriarch Mar Away III Royal

A prayer for the soul of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI:
Father, eternal shepherd,
hear the prayers of your people for your servant Benedict,
who governed your Church with love.
In your mercy, bring him with the flock once entrusted to his care
to the reward you have promised your faithful servants.
May he who faithfully administered the mysteries
of your forgiveness and love on earth,
rejoice with you for ever in heaven
In your wise and loving care,
you made your servant teacher of all your Church.
He did the work of Christ on earth.
May your Son welcome him into eternal glory.
May your servant whom you appointed high priest of your flock
be counted now among the priests in the life of your kingdom.
Give your servant the reward of eternal happiness
and let your mercy win for us the gift of your life and love.
We entrust your servant to your mercy with faith and confidence.
In the human family he was an instrument of your peace and love.
We entrust your servant to your mercy with faith and confidence.
In the human family he was an instrument of your peace and love.
May he rejoice in those gifts for ever with your saints.
Through Christ our Lord, Amen.
Source: Vatican Media