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World Suicide Prevention Day – September 10

Many of us have been deeply impacted by the suicide of a friend, a loved one, a colleague.There is no single cause of suicide, and no simple solution to prevent it. World Suicide Prevention Day aims to raise awareness and reduce stigma, and confirms the message that suicides are preventable.

“Millions of Victorians have trouble from time to time with their mental health. Just because your mental health is your own, that doesn’t mean you have to manage it by yourself”.
(Uniting Vic/Tas)

The triennial theme for World Suicide Prevention Day for 2024-2026 is “Changing the Narrative on Suicide” with the call to action “Start the Conversation“. This theme aims to raise awareness about the importance of reducing stigma and encouraging open conversations to prevent suicides. Changing the narrative on suicide is about transforming how we perceive this complex issue and shifting from a culture of silence and stigma to one of openness, understanding, and support.

The call to action encourages everyone to start the conversation on suicide and suicide prevention. Every conversation, no matter how small, contributes to a supportive and understanding society. By initiating these vital conversations, we can break down barriers, raise awareness, and create better cultures of support.

This theme also emphasizes the need to prioritize suicide prevention and mental health in policy making, calling for government action. Changing the narrative requires advocating for policies that prioritize mental health, increase access to care, and provide support for those in need.

Many of our churches have specialist services for people living with mental health issues, as well as community agencies such as:

Lifeline – 13 11 14
Beyond Blue – 1300 22 4636
MensLine – 1300 789 978

Data on the Australian Institute for Health and Welfare website states there are 3000+ deaths by suicide each year. The Victorian Government developed a suicide prevention framework (2016-2025) which committed to halving the suicide rate over that timeframe. It will be interesting to review the data to see if this framework has achieved its goals.

On the eve of World Suicide Prevention Day, the Royal Commission into Defence & Veteran Suicide Defence delivered its Final Report. We know there is a huge toll on mental health for many in the Australian Defence Force. The ADF has religious chaplains from many denominations and religious traditions.

An ADF spokesperson said the force accepted that “a person’s religious and spiritual belief system is a significant factor in their overall wellbeing. Defence aims to provide the best care it can for its people and chaplains play a pivotal role in providing this support to ADF members”.

God of the valleys
God of the shadows
God of the pit of despair
We claim your Holy Presence everywhere.
When we see hope dimly,
You are there.
When we see life fading,
You are there.
When we see life end,
You are there.
We pray this day for all who experience suffering because of suicide.
For the person who is thinking about suicide,
For the person who is recovering from suicide engagement,
For all who fear suicide will touch them,
For all who have known the pain caused by suicide,
Grant us peace.
We pray for the arms of hope to enfold all of us, like a soft blanket wrapped around us, holding our pain, holding our loneliness, holding our inexpressible sorrow.
Hold onto us, God of love, even when we want to let go.
Hold onto us.
(Rev Dr Sarah Griffith Lund)