(this page is a work in progress – any suggestions or contributions welcome)
Bilateral Dialogue Index by Topic [PDF]
Bilateral Dialogue Index by Topic [Word]
Bilateral Dialogue Index by Churches [PDF]
Bilateral Dialogue Index by Churches [Word]
Dialogue between the Anglican Church and the Churches of Christ began in 1983, with the Lutheran Church in 1972, and with the Uniting Church in Australia in 1979.
The Uniting Church entered into dialogue with the Churches of Christ in 1978, with the Lutheran Church in 1979, with the Greek Orthodox Church in 1981, and with the Roman Catholic Church in 1977.
A Lutheran / Roman Catholic Dialogue began in 1977.
These dialogues have done much to draw the Christian Churches together in Australia.
Lutheran Church of Australia – Uniting Church in Australia Dialogue (based in Melbourne)
Task Group information here.
UCA website link; Lutheran website link
The Word of God-Justification by Faith 1981
Law & Gospel 1982
Baptism 1984
Ministry 1987
The Church 1988
One Christ in Church & World 1990
A Pastoral Statement on Marriage 1987
LCA–UCA Joint Documents (June 2012)
Declaration of Mutual Recognition (2000)
Great Prayer of Thanksgiving
Summary of discussion on interpretation of Scriptures
At the Table – STUDY VERSION Draft 08_02_24
A Chronicle of Joy: the path toward eucharistic agreement between the Uniting Church in Australia and the Lutheran Church of Australia Peter Lockwood
(Uniting Church Studies 2023)
Salvation Army-Uniting Church in Australia
The Uniting Church in Australia and The Salvation Army have a strong theological commitment to holiness and social justice as a shared understanding of Christian faith and life. The dialogue between the two churches has resulted in this book: ‘Holiness & Social Justice’, guided by six theological affirmations.
Holiness and Social Justice (2018)
Anglican-Roman Catholic
Australian Anglican and Roman Catholic Conversation (AUSTARC), established June 1993
Anglican-Roman Catholic International Commission (ARCIC)
The Church as Communion 1991 (Second Anglican/Roman Catholic International Commission)
Also ARCIC documents such as The Gift of Authority, and Life in Christ.
Lutheran-Roman Catholic Dialogue
Major documents produced by the dialogue:
- Baptism (1977)
- Sacrament and Sacrifice (1985)
- Pastor and Priest (1990)
- Communion and Mission (1995)
- Justification (1999) (Australian statement)
- The Ministry of Oversight (2007)
- Living Word, Living Tradition (2011)
- The Petrine Ministry in a New Situation (2016)
- A statement on the occasion of the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation (2017)
International Lutheran (LWF) – Roman Catholic Joint Commission
Anglican-Orthodox dialogue
Anglican – Lutheran Statements 1973 – 1993
Anglican-Lutheran_Common ground
The agreed statements on the Eucharist (1985), the Ministry (1986) and Marriage (1987)
Porvoo Declaration and Common Statement (Europe)
SA Dialogue of the Roman Catholic and Uniting Church (SA RCUC)
See website here.
Anglican Church of Australia-Uniting Church in Australia Joint Working Group
- Statement on Baptism (1985)
- Statement on The Eucharist (1991)
- ‘For the Sake of the Gospel: Mutual Recognition of Ordained Ministries in the Anglican and Uniting Churches in Australia (2001)
- An Anglican-Uniting Church Covenant of Association
- Weaving a New Cloth
(Crosslight article detailing the launch of the document)
April 30, 2024 Historic Agreement Reached Between The United Methodist Church (USA) and The Episcopal Church (Anglican, USA). Read more here.
A Gift to the World: Co-Laborers for the Healing of Brokenness
The Episcopal Church and The United Methodist Church
A Proposal for Full Communion. Read the document here.
Uniting Church and Greek Orthodox
Report of dialogue meeting 1986
Report of dialogue 1992:‘The Structure and Significance of Church Councils’
Uniting Church and Roman Catholic (based in Brisbane)
- An Agreed Statement on Baptism (1979)
- Interchurch marriages (1999)
- Beyond ‘No Substantial Differences’ – an address at the launch of the Mission of the Church, a report of the national dialogue between the UCA and the Roman Catholic Church (2010)
- Mission of the church : Report Roman Catholic and UCA dialogue 2002-8
Uniting Church and Baptist Church
Church Membership: Report of a Dialogue between a team recognized by Australian Baptist Ministries and a team appointed by the Uniting Church in Australia
World Methodist Council (WMC) Ecumenical Relations Committee report of the Anglican-Methodist dialogue, “Into All the World,” which was launched in Ireland in March 2015.
Uniting Church – The Nature of Doctrine and the role of the Assembly
Dialogue: Uni-Directional or Multi-Directional? D’Arcy Wood
Bi-Lateral Dialogues in Australia: Index of Churches with their Dialogue Partners (2016)
Stages on the Way I Documents from the bilateral conversations between churches in Australia. JBCE, 1994
Stages on the Way II: Documents from the Bilateral Conversations between Churches in Australia 1994-2007, edited by Raymond K. Williamson (Strathfield: St Pauls Publications, 2007)
Pilgrims of Hope: An Ecumenical Journey 1980 – 2010 by Raymond K. Williamson (2016)
Australian Churches Covenanting Together
An Ordered Ministry for an Apostolic Church by Christiaan Mostert
A liturgy for ecumenical occasions when a eucharist cannot be celebrated (2011)
Living Traditions in the Uniting Church by Robert Gribben