A Monash study is currently underway researching how the Victorian government has engaged with culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) faith communities since the 2016 Royal Commission into Family Violence in Victoria.
Another aspect of the study is to examine how faith leaders and faith communities currently respond to family violence within their community.
The researchers (Ellen Cho, Liana Papoutsis and Shona Smith) are looking for additional participants for this study, and there has been a request to pass on the following information to any faith leaders and church committee members of Chinese Churches in Victoria (or Chinese people in leadership in congregations).
The Explanatory Statement has been translated into English, Simplified Chinese, and Traditional Chinese.
The draft email that has been circulated is below.

Participation in the project will involve group discussion, discussing any interactions you may or may not have had with the Victorian government, and your faith community’s current responses and processes to family violence that might arise in the faith community. You will not be personally named or identified in any reports that arise from this study.
Group discussions will take place online over Zoom for approximately 90 minutes. As a small token of appreciation, participants will receive an $80 Coles gift voucher for taking part in a group discussion.
For full information about the research project and an example of what participating in this research might look like, please click the link to the English version of the Explanatory Statement here, the Simplified Chinese version here, and the Traditional Chinese version here.
28 November from 2pm to 3:30pm; OR
1 December from 11am to 12:30pm
How to participate in this research
Anyone who wishes to participate can express their interest by emailing Shona Smith (shona.smith@monash.edu) ‘I would like to participate in your research (date/time)’.
The researchers would appreciate responses about participation as soon as possible.
People interested in participating, but who are unavailable on 28 November or 1 December are asked to email Shona Smith (shona.smith@monash.edu).