
Deakin Uni – Pastoral Care Member

Deakin University Human Research Ethics Committee (Melbourne panel) – Vacancy

Pastoral Care Member

Deakin University’s Human Research Ethics Committee (DUHREC) reviews research projects involving human participants. These projects are from all faculties: Arts and Education; Business and Law; Health; Science, Engineering and Built Environment. Research can include biomedical procedures to classroom learning studies, historical enquiries to health questionnaires.

The role of the Committee is to make sure that the rights of participants are respected and that no human research is approved unless it meets stringent requirements of integrity, justice and fairness.

If you have an interest in research and the time to take part in attending bi-monthly meetings, we have a current vacancy:

Eligibility criteria:

• Pastoral Care member: performs a pastoral care role in a community, for example an Aboriginal elder, a Minister of Religion. (National Statement: 5.1.30 d)

We are looking for members who preferably live or work locally, with a variety of life experience, not specific skills nor a research background.

Please note, membership of the Committee is determined by national guidelines and also includes Chair/Deputy Chair, Professional Carer (e.g. GP/nurse), Researcher, Lawyer and Lay Members.

Committee work is voluntary, however members receive a modest honorarium to cover any out of pocket costs. Lunch and car parking is provided for each meeting attended.

What does membership involve?

Committee members are usually appointed for a term of two years, which may be renewed at the end of the term. You will be/become familiar with the National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human Research 2007 (updated 2018), (the National Statement) which establishes requirements for Human Research Ethics Committees and sets out the principles by which decisions are made. New members begin by observing a meeting and attending Induction training, then attend bi-monthly meetings (in person) at the Burwood campus of Deakin University (on Monday afternoons). Committee members are provided training on an as-needs basis during meetings as well as invited to attend online training via the Victorian Ethics Network (VEN) throughout the year. Prior to committee meetings, members are asked to read and make recommendations regarding research applications and review the agenda.

Expression of interest

If you are interested in joining DUHREC, please email a one-page expression of interest (EoI) to: including how you meet the eligibility criteria (above). Please include a summary of your qualifications, work experience and a statement on why you are interested in joining DUHREC. If you have a current CV, you may wish to attach it.

For further information, please email .