In a landmark speech to the Garma festival in Arnhem Land, PM Albanese said that the Australian people should be asked a “simple and clear” yes or no referendum question regarding whether an Indigenous voice to parliament should be enshrined in the constitution.
One of the objectives of the Victorian Council of Churches is to encourage and enable the Member Churches in the light of the Gospel to be a prophetic voice to each other and the community
“by acting in solidarity with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People“.[Constitution 5.1 (b) (iv)]
The VCC website will continue to make links to resources that will be helpful for Member Churches and congregations including:
- Statement from the Heart website
- Statement from the Heart resources (study guide, facilitator’s guide produced by the Vic/Tas UCA Synod)
- A voice in the wilderness 8 part study guide on the Statement from the Heart (free downloadable PDF) written by Celia Kemp, Anglican Board of Mission’s Reconciliation Coordinator. As well there is a leader’s guide.
- The NCCA (National Council of Churches in Australia) has signed a joint resolution in support of the Uluru Statement, 27th May 2022.
- Yoorrook Justice Commission – the first formal truth-telling process into injustices experienced by First Peoples in Victoria, which will look into past and ongoing injustices experienced by Traditional Owners and First Peoples in Victoria in all areas of life since colonisation. (Can subscribe to an email for updates)
- History, Truth Telling, & The Uluru Statement from the Heart (webinar Thursday 21 July 2022) – University of Divinity
- “From the Heart – a campaign for an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice to Parliament that is enshrined in the Constitution. Facebook, Youtube