Strategic Plan

Building on the Strategic Plan 2016- 2019, the following 4 key priorities were identified:

  •  ‘peak body’ – representing our member churches to the community and to government. This is a particularly important role in relation to the programs and projects done in collaboration with government.
  •  ‘connection point’ for the member churches.
    The VCC enables the churches to hold their concerns and conversations in a common space. Our various Commissions provide openings for people from the member churches to learn from each other through receptive ecumenism. At our meetings there is space for a sharing of our celebrations and our difficulties. The VCC is also consulted by individual churches on a range of matters from technical questions to finding places of worship for new congregations.
  • catalyst – a forum in which ideas can be discussed, where one church’s solution to an issue can be received as a response to another’s question.
  • advocate for social justice in the community and on behalf of the churches with government. Where possible, the VCC provides a means of articulating a Christian response on issues within the community. Indigenous issues, refugees, prisons, poverty and human rights are all issues which have been addressed by the VCC or its commissions over the years.

Undergirding all: ‘effective Council’, appropriately ‘governed and resourced’ to ensure that the member churches’ funds are used in ways consistent with the purposes of the Council and with due diligence and accountability.

An additional strategy  –  Sustainability of life 

Additional to the above, the Council will undertake as a high priority:

i.  Develop better communication with major stakeholders:   

–  Existing Member Churches 

–  Existing Interfaith Peak bodies 

– State Government 

Achieved by:   

i. review, refresh and relaunch our website – ensuring all material is up to date and relevant.

ii. review, refresh intention and content of Facebook presence – with a view to increasing readership

iii. Develop direct communication to member churches through:

a. visiting Heads of Churches 

b. developing MoU’s with member churches around sharing of each other’s materials and programs

iv. Strengthen  existing relationships with Other Faith Peak Bodies 

v. Continue to actively work with Government and sector agencies to develop collaborative work practices.

ii. Victorian Council of Churches will seek to strengthen its financial viability:

i. through promotion through member church networks – raising of profile leading to greater awareness and resulting in increase in bequests, contributions from member churches  

ii by developing an intentional investment plan to safeguard and grow our reserves

iii.  seeking to develop alternative income streams through:

– seeking to develop new opportunities to use our skill resources on a fee for service model

–  seeking to engage with Government and community Agencies in delivering projects supported by Grants