Volunteering Australia proudly supports International Volunteer Day (IVD)on 5 December 2022, to raise awareness of the important role volunteers play in responding to challenges facing the world.
Of course, it’s most appropriate to celebrate ‘volunteerism’ in congregations, where so much of the living out of our baptism and Christian discipleship is through engaging in any number of volunteer roles. We also know that in churches there can be a shortfall of volunteers in various areas of church ministry and mission. This shortage of leaders can force churches to shut down ministries; to overload those who are currently volunteering; or if budget allows, hire staff to lead things, which simply leads to a bottleneck later down the line. Anthony Hilder reflects on good leadership practices that support church volunteers in both quantity and engagement, and most importantly, give them opportunities to grow.

IVD is a day to celebrate and promote volunteering. There are millions of volunteers in Australia and the contributions that they make to communities around the country are enormous. IVD is an opportunity to acknowledge, thank and shine a light on the important work of volunteers.
The International Volunteer Day (IVD) 2022 theme is Solidarity through Volunteering.
Rising inequalities throughout the world implore that we need to work together to find common solutions. Volunteers, drawn together by solidarity, develop solutions to urgent development challenges and for the common good.
Volunteering is where compassion meets solidarity. Both share the same root values – supporting each other from a position of trust, humility, respect and equality.
For the future of our planet, we must act together and we must act now. This is not an era to stand alone but together, as one, in solidarity with each other and for the sake of all people and the planet.
Encouraging, recognising, and promoting volunteerism is an important part of creating a more equal and inclusive future for communities worldwide.
Together, we’re stronger.
(message from IVD)
Together, we create change.
Together, for the common good.
Together, we make a difference.
Together we find solutions

Volunteers and volunteering have been impacted greatly by COVID-19 and now is the time to invest and commit to reinvigorating volunteering in Australia.
Volunteering Australia is leading the process for a new National Strategy for Volunteering, designed and owned by the volunteering ecosystem, it will provide a blueprint for a reimagined future for volunteering in Australia.
The 2023 National Volunteering Conference is being held on Ngunnawal Country, Canberra at the Australian National University from 13-14 February 2023. Ticketing is now open and early bird registration is available until Friday 16 December 2022.
(adapted from Volunteering Australia post)